Today we got a lot accomplished. Chris and I had been going back and forth on what to do with Al's buggy. Do to the space constraints, we left on Friday thinking radius arms were going to be the best solution. After more research about the suspension bind possible with a radius arm setup, we have decided to not take the easy way out. Instead, we are cutting the motor mounts off, and raising the motor 2 inches so we can clear a 3 link. There is absolutely no way to get a 4 link done with the girth of the tranny and V8. But we can squeeze an upper arm on the passenger side if the motor is moved up. There were no options on rerouting the exhaust, so tubular motor mounts with poly bushings will be what's in store. As we speak at 9:45PM, Chris is finishing a very clean hydro ram mount on the axle. Tomorrow he dives in on the motor mounts and shortly after, suspension links.
Ted has finalized the blueprint for Cory's 3.4 swap laid out. After realizing that the tech articles he had been going off of were for a diferent year model wiring harness, he has settled on building a hybrid one. It wil utilize some of the factory 90 3.0 4runner harness, part of a 97 harness and part of a T100 wiring. Goal is to have it running by wednesday night.
All I got done was tuning a weber and replacing some FJ40 shocks. Tomorrow the guys will continue with their projects. I'll finish the carb choke tuning and dive in to some leaking birfields. Then it's on to Eli's D44 OX Locker and fixing the suspension on a not so sweet Gran Prix. Hooray for me!